Plastic security seals
Bag seals, Wire seal, Padlock seals, Fixed lenght security seals, Adjustable lenght seals, Go to ProductsMetal seals
Padlock seals, Barrier seals, Cable seals, Bolt seals, Metal strap seals, Go to ProductsRFID seals and products
Other RFID solutions, RFID wristbands and bracelets, RFID labels, RFID seals, e-seals, RFID tags, Go to ProductsSecurity envelopes
Mail security envelopes, Go to ProductsSecurity tape and labels
Security labels, Security tape, Adhesive tape, Go to ProductsSecurity accessories
Other Products, Sealable sample bottles, Sealing wires, Fire extinguisher tamper seals, Go to ProductsSecurity pouches and bags
Go to ProductsLead seals and customs seals
Go to ProductsAbout Us
Since 2010, we have been the go-to site for buying high-quality security seals online. We offer a wide selection of security seals suitable for any need and industry, from shipping to logistics, from industry to banking. Our custom security seals are made from strong, high-quality materials, ensuring reliable and long-lasting protection.
Plastic and metal security seals, customs seals, tamper-proof envelopes and security bags, security labels and tapes, RFID products, we were the first to sell security products online and continue to maintain high quality of products and service. With our international shipping service, guaranteed product availability and human customer service always willing to help you, you can order your products from us and sleep soundly!
Seals for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry
Security seals and products for the chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, ...
Discover MoreSeals for police and defence
Security seals for the military sector, police, and armed forces. Seals for secu...
Discover MoreSeals for couriers, shipments, and postal services
Security seals, envelopes, bags, labels and stickers for shipping, postal servic...
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Customs seals
Here is our range of customs seals and customs security products. Buy metal and...
Discover MoreSeals for water and gas meters
Find security seals for water and gas meters. We sell plastic seals for water...
Discover MoreSecurity seals for containers
Security seals for maritime containers and metal seals for containers. Buy from ...
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Security seals for trucks and trailers
Security seals for trucks, trailers and articulated vehicles. Buy from the speci...
Discover MoreSeals, bags and tamper proof envelopes for banks annd cash-in-transit
Security seals, security bags, and tamper-evident security envelopes for money, ...
Discover MoreSecurity seals and bags for e-commerce and fashion
Security seals and secure bags for e-commerce and online fashion, and beyond....
Discover MoreTransport and Logistics Seals
Security seals for transportation and logistics. Plastic and metal seals for log...
Discover MoreSeals for food, food industry and retail
Security seals, bags, pouches, labels, and adhesive seals for food products, foo...
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Security seals for clothing and garments
Security and warranty seals for clothing, apparel, and fashion accessories....
Security Seals Online is a brand of Etti Sicurezza Srl, a solid and reliable company that has been producing and customizing not only plastic and metal security seals, but also security pouches, security bags, security stickers and labels, adhesive pockets and the ‘innovative range of seals and RFID products since 1998. We are located in Tuscany, halfway between the sea and the hills, but we are ready to serve you, wherever your business is.

I have noticed that over the years there are more and more scenes in...
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Everything in stock of Security seals and envelopes!
In our online store the always-ready security seals! As you know by now, we...
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Los Precintos Y Las bolsas de seguridad en CSI VEGAS
Me he dado cuenta de que a lo largo de los años cada vez...
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Etti Sicurezza (Security Seals &More) a la FIHAV 2022, la Feria Internacional de la Habana
! Tenemos el orgullo para comunicaros que el equipo Etti Sicurezza està present...
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