Lead seals or customs seals

Lead seals or customs seals

Lead seals or customs seals

Lead seals or customs seals have two parallel holes and a knot chamber. Customs seals are the oldest system for sealing.”

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    Buy our lead seals or customs seals

    Lead seals are the oldest system for sealing, in the security seals classification of Iso 17712 are only included in the Identification Class.

    This seal is used in conjunction with any length of pre-cut or rolls of various wires. The seals are designed with two parallel holes and a knot chamber. During fitting, the wire or string is threaded through the two parallel holes and crossed before closing with the sealing tool to prevent tampering.

    Sealing pliers are required to clamp the lead seal to prevent slippage.

    To optimize security, the sealing tool dies can be engraved with logo, numbers or characters onto the seal, acknowledging the application user.

    Applications might include, but are not limited to: gas, water and electric meters, drums, valves,
    refineries, post bags cages, lockers, customs.

    Additional information

    Weight N/A
    Package of (kg)

    25, 5


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